
Symptoms of Toxic Build-Up in the Body

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Symptoms of Toxic Build-Up in the Body

By Leslie Radford

What are Toxins?

Symptoms of Toxic Build-Up

Common Toxins You are Exposed To

How Toxic is the Average Human Body?

Get Tested to Know Exactly What Toxins are in Your Body

Every day you are exposed to toxins. From your shampoo and deodorant to your favorite kitchen pan to that bottle of water you are drinking. It’s not something we think about or do intentionally, but toxins are everywhere and they could be building up in your body.

Water and Health

What are Toxins?

Toxins are harmful substances that are derived from food, water, cleaning products, and other environmental sources that we are exposed to regularly. Potential damage to vital organs and systems if toxins build up in the human body.

check labels for chemicals

Symptoms of Toxic Build-Up

So, how do you know if you have toxic build-up? The signs and symptoms of toxic build-up are often the things we dismiss as “being tired” or “just getting older.” Things like suddenly gaining a lot of weight, or being really exhausted by the afternoon, or having more “brain fog” moments. 

Here are a few signs that your body may be toxic:

  • Skin problems (rashes, acne, etc.)
  • Food and scent intolerances
  • Constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive issues
  • Frequent colds and viruses
  • Unexplained headaches
  • Lower back pain
  • General aches and pains
  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Inability to feel rested after sleep
  • Compromised resistance to infections
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Fuzzy thinking

The body eliminates toxins via the liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs. The toxins that the body is unable to eliminate are usually stored in fat tissues and bones. That toxic build-up causes serious health problems. 

It’s important to get tested (information below) if you are experiencing these symptoms. You don’t have to suffer from these symptoms and there are steps you can take to lessen or eliminate them.

pesticide spray

Common Toxins You are Exposed to

Some of the most common toxins include heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and things like xenoestrogens from plastics. Toxins are in many of the products we use daily from cooking supplies to soaps and shampoos to cosmetics. 

Dr. Michelle Ewer at The Thermography Center says to look for clean products. “Check the ingredient labels or go to the EWG (Environmental Working Group) website where they have a consumer guide for household products and cosmetics.” 

She said this guide will give you more detailed information about which products are toxic and dangerous and which ones are safer options. “As a rule, just be sure you can recognize all the ingredients in any product that you buy. If you cannot pronounce it, don’t use it!”

How Toxic is the Average Human Body?

Most people are much more toxic than they realize. This is because we live on a toxic planet. Jet fuel contains heavy metals which collect in the clouds which rains onto the soil which gets into our water and our food. This is on top of the toxins we are born with because of the amount of toxicity the mother passes on in utero. 

The average newborn baby today already contains between 200-300 toxins when it’s born. Then we continue to accumulate toxicity based on where we live, the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, etc. By the time we are adults, we have a myriad of toxins that we may or may not feel the effects of.

Get Tested to Know Exactly What Toxins are in Your Body

If you want a more specific test to determine how toxic your body is, a whole-body thermogram will show the level of toxicity in each system and organ, and a heavy metal test called an Oligoscan, will determine which exact toxic metals are inside the cells and how it is impacting the minerals and vitamins in the body.

Regular full-body thermography screenings offer a way to see more clearly into the subtle realms of change in the body. Basically, thermography creates a baseline with which to observe changes over time in a risk- and radiation-free environment.

Heavy metal technology utilizes spectrophotometry to obtain results that consist of measuring the absorbance level or the optical density of a specific chemical or mineral substance. The basic principle is that every type of compound emits or reflects light (electromagnetic radiation) over a certain specific range of wavelengths. The more the sample is concentrated, the more it absorbs the light – this is what the Oligoscan is reading.

Both of these procedures are radiation-free, easy, and painless. You also get same-day results and steps to take charge of your health.

Visiting with one of our doctors at The Thermography Center of Dallas will give you insight into why you may be experiencing some of these symptoms and what to do about it.

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